故宮書畫錄(卷八)第四冊,頁141 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十三冊,頁86-92&*1.陳韻如,〈明董其昌重巒疊翠、層巒聳秀、鹿鳴山〉,收入何傳馨主編,《山水合璧:黃公望與富春山居圖特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2011年五月初版一刷),頁336-337。&*The right painting of the second folio (“Layer and Layers of Verdant Hills”) depicts a scene of triangular mountain forms surrounding a valley. Amongst the mountains are clusters of trees done in dark green and ink, the slopes of the peaks first rendered with brushed texture lines to which patches of light green washes were added. The compositional technique here is similar to the treatment of mountain peaks surrounding a valley in “Nine Pearly Peaks in Green.” Here, however, Dong Qichang has restricted and sealed off the river mouth at the bottom, depicting trees to emphasize the confined effect of the valley. As such, it gives the landscape composition a new mode of varied planar construction. Dong Qichang not only pursued ancient tradition via brush and ink, but also consciously created a new interpretation of Huang Gongwang’s style with the composition, too.(20110609)&*第二開右幅,描繪以三角狀山體環繞成一處谷地的景象。山際之間以濃綠筆墨描繪樹叢,山體坡面上先有墨筆皴線,再以淡綠暈染塊面。畫中構圖的手法,與黃公望〈九珠峰翠〉以山峰環繞谷地的處理相似。但是,在此畫中董其昌將下側河口部分緊收封閉,藉描繪樹叢以強調山谷的內收效果,如此一來,也將其山水構圖轉成更具平面組合變化的新模式。董其昌除了以筆墨追求古代傳統之外,也有意從構圖重新詮釋黃公望畫風。(董其昌紀遊畫冊 第二開右幅 20110609)